Presenting at Work
This module explores simple tools, concepts and structures which are proven to help enhance both face-to-face and virtual presentations.
Topics include how to be more impactful when presenting, as well as communication and nerve management tips.
Half-day workshop (plus pre-work and embedding activities)
Insights into the Presenting at Work half-day module:
Given the number of presentations that occur in the workplace, and the time they often take, it might be reasonable to expect them to be short, structured, and engaging. Equally, why wouldn’t the presenter ensure that key points stand out and make the audience want to learn, think, feel, or do something differently as a result? The reality, however, is often far from this.
The fact is that presentations are up there with spiders and heights as things that people fear the most. As with these other common phobias, being worried about presenting is something which can fill people with dread. Interestingly, this fear is rooted in biology and psychology, rather than there being anything physical or tangible to fear from delivering a presentation.
In order to understand why presentations can be stressful, delegates need to appreciate that there is often a lot at stake in terms of vulnerability, credibility, and reputation.
Instead of concentrating on being clear and articulate therefore, your Chimp brain often takes over, limiting your ability to think and to speak. This is why people often blush (go red in the face / neck) when presenting, as adrenaline is flooding through them in response to the perceived danger of the presentation.
The good news is that by adopting some simple techniques it is possible to overcome many of the psychological and physical barriers associated with giving presentations.
Whilst this isn’t a full presentation skills course per se, the concepts covered are proven to make presentations easier and more effective. NB These tips, including a well-known presentation structure, are designed to help whether presenting face-to-face or ‘virtually’, i.e. via Microsoft Teams, Zoom etc.
Learning Content
In this module we explore the following topics:
Why people often find presenting problematic / stressful
R.A.Y.S. tips to help ensure presentation messages land effectively
BIKER-B: presentation structure / framework (face-to-face or remotely)
N.E.C.T.A.R. tips and mindsets to help prepare the presenter
Video call / presentation tips
Running effective meetings
Presentation practice