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Business People Having Fun
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Brain Bias at Work

This module differs from most DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) training in that it focuses on how and why humans are conditioned to be cautious around people who do not look or sound like them, and / or who think and believe differently to them.


We then explore concepts which help mitigate against unhelpful biases and behaviours, with the aim being to create a more inclusive working environment where the focus is on what unites, rather than what divides and polarises.

Half-day workshop (plus pre-work and embedding activities)

Insights into the Brain Bias at Work half-day module:

Most businesses provide training to managers and employees around diversity, equity, and inclusion. Colleagues are typically asked to reflect on their racist, ableist, homo/transphobic, sexist etc biases before being given examples of what it feels like to be discriminated against and told to reflect on their privileges and the correct way to think and behave. The intent, quite understandably, is to create a more inclusive and diverse place to work.


Unfortunately changing a long-held belief or changing an embedded behaviour isn’t quite as simple as flicking a switch. Furthermore, ‘cancelling’ someone for not having the latest view, or using an out-of-date word or phrase, often causes more harm than good. The fact is that bias and discrimination form part of the human psyche, regardless of race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, orientation, or gender.


This module helps delegates to understand how and why all humans are hard-wired and conditioned to be cautious around people who do not look or sound like them, and / or who think and believe differently to them. They then get to explore concepts which help to mitigate against unhelpful biases, beliefs, and behaviours. This approach helps to create a more inclusive working environment and leads to delegates focusing on what unites rather than what divides and polarises.


Learning Content

In this module we explore the following topics:

Ethics and brain bias

  • Ethics and brain bias at work / The moral compass

  • The Leader’s Ego (Iceberg model)

  • Generational bias at work

  • Why and how brain bias occurs (neurochemicals)

  • Types of bias and overcoming bias

Inclusion at work

  • The Equality Act 2010 and protected characteristics

  • Progress made to date

  • Cancel culture / Polarisation and division / Threats to democracy

  • Inclusion mindset that unites, rather than divides

  • Racism and racial equality

  • Religions of the world

  • Gender identity

  • Sexual orientation / LGBTQ+ community

  • Female equality

  • Male equality

Other Modules

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